I am a UK based photographer specialising in weddings, engagements and family photography. I am based on the BEAUTIFUL south coast but more than happy to travel pretty much anywhere.

"I would probably describe my photography style as Authentic and Documentary with an Editorial twist"

Hi, I'm Emma-Louise ... and I'd love to be doing that cliche introduction paragraph where I tell you I was born with a camera in my hand to parents who passed on a passion for photography and I've been photographing weddings since I was three... but in honesty, this really wasn't the case. Now don't get me wrong, my mother loves a photo... but far from being an accomplished photographer, she has an uncanny knack for getting the absolute worst photos of anyone she points her Samsung Galaxy toward... to the point we all actively avoid it if humanly possible. Bless her. She does however... love to scrapbook with these aforementioned unflattering photos.... and looking through pages and pages of memories as a child, into adulthood, has always made me smile.

Because that's what photography is to me... capturing memories... and I have had a passion for THAT, for as long as I can remember.

With three children and a fast paced lifestyle, I am always on the go and I am always documenting everything, always have done... from the days of budget film cameras, through to my first point and shoot (It was a bright pink Sony Cybershot - and I probably still have it somewhere) which went everywhere with me, to blurry flip-phone camera pics and now smartphones....

Photography, I guess, in a way, has always been there... but as a career...it never even crossed my mind.

That is until 2021, having just given birth to my third child and gone back to work just 3 days afterward, I looked at my career (I was a financial controller in case you're interested) and realised it was time for a change. Scary stuff when you're in your mid thirties and everyone is telling you what a solid and reliable career you have, with a great income and stability for your family.... only a fool would trade that in for the unknown....right....?

Enter, THE FOOL.

See, I'm a firm believer in having a passion for whatever it is you do... so what was I going to do with my life? what did I have a passion for? And as soon as my darling fiancé uttered the word 'Photography'... I just knew. So that same week, I handed in my notice, bought a cheap starter DSLR camera to practise on, and enrolled on a photography course. Two months later I shot my first wedding solo..... and I haven't looked back. I would like to point out at this juncture, that I could not have done ANY of it, without the support, patience and love from my incredible fiancé. Thank you darling, for everything you have done to help me follow my dreams, and being my biggest cheerleader throughout.

Its incredibly cliché I know... But its honestly true when they say that if you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life... and I, hands down, have the best job in the world.

So now you know a little more about me, lets find out if we are going to be photography BFFs

If you're after a photographer who hides in the corner and is never seen and never heard, I am going to be honest and say that we probably aren't a good match....

But if you're after a brand new bestie to be by your side through whichever chapter of your love story you book me for, then I'm absolutely the right pick for you. We will 100% laugh together, more than likely cry together (I'm an emotional wreck) and believe me when I say that I'll be the helping hand you never knew you needed. Be it entertaining kids on a riotous family shoot, or applying plasters, safety pins or emergency makeup touch ups at your wedding... I'm there for you.

I am primarily a natural light photographer, although I do always pack an emergency flash just in case, but if I can avoid using it, I will.

So if you've heard all you need to, you love my photography style, and you think I could be the perfect match for your special day, then get in touch right away and lets start planning!

"Photography is about so much more than just the pictures... it's about the story you're telling"

Get to know me

Some random facts about me

-I am married to the greatest man alive, and mummy to three gorgeous children.

- I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan and I'm a super proud Ravenclaw.

- Alan Rickman once kissed me on the cheek at a concert I performed in at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

- I was recently in a Sky TV advert for Pembrokeshire Gin

- In my spare time I direct a local Pantomime company and run a Scout group.

- I am a massive gin lover and currently have about 100 bottles in my collection.

- Tacos are life



Simon Day Photography

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"Emma drove all the way down to Devon to help me as a second photographer with a Wedding in Torquay. During the day she was kind, polite, fun, and a real joy around everyone. You can tell she has the wedding photography passion. I would highly recommend Emma to photograph your wedding!"

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